
Lever gear clip system offers compact storage for everyday wear

We all have certain elements that we love to carry with us every day. For some of us, that means just a small multi-tool on our belt , while for others it covers an arsenal of items to cover every eventuality. No matter what you carry on you daily, we all have the same problem. There are only so many things that we can fit on our person.

The clip system is an essential addition to your EDC

And that’s why we rely on clever designs that can carry us more. That is what the lever gear clip system is all about. The clip system is functional, practical and durable, as well as being compact and adaptable .

The clip system is a new line of hard and versatile tools that share a common shape. They clip on your keychain or fit in your pocket or purse. They are modular, interchangeable, and expandable while in a small form that you can easily carry. The first two clips system tools are the BitVault and BitLight.

These are essentially small containers to carry all small things. It is a smart concept that you can wear even more than you already do. Both tools can save hex bits and turn into small screwdrivers. The BitLight has a rechargeable LED flashlight with 3 brightness settings for light when you need it.

The clip system will hold all of your little things.

A small form factor for small parts

Play, stamps, tablets, money, toothpicks, peppermint candies, whatever you want: you can fill them with something small. Like most things cool, the CLiP system was invented when lever gear founder, Mike Scully, injured his back. He also had his teeth straightened up during this time and found that he had spinach stuck in his teeth at every meal. So he had to wear small pills and toothpicks all day. The clip system was born. Now he can easily carry these things.

You can see why this is necessary to add your EDC (Everyday Carry) gang. All of your small items are kept safe and clean and are easily accessible at all times. The idea is brilliant and the design is well done. The clip system will indeed be very popular.

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