Do not you hate it when your favorite bar is just going to find your favorite beer to expire ? Yes us too. You may mention to the bartender that they should use SteadyServ iKeg so they will never go out again. The device is a keg sensor that lets you have data in its app about how much beer is transferred when it is running and how much you need, you need to make sure that all the time you re- order satisfied customers. The sensors are a little smaller than the bottom of a standardKeg and when paired with the kegs with RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags.
Other data that it collects includes when it’s been tapped, tapped, its age and more, which can make it much easier for ordering bars. All information sent on SteadyServ Cloud = based software where it has compared with other cool information such as how much safety stock, delivery dates, consumer trends and even local weather forecasts have impacted the aegis trends. You can also get customizable alerts on social sites like Facebook and Twitter, alerting your customers that their favorite beer is ready for them during happy hour or when sending a new beer goes on tap.